
I am thankful for meeting the love of my life at a young age and for being married to him. I am thankful to be starting a family and for a baby that is healthily growing inside of me. I am thankful I am able to bear a child and to enter parenthood with Cameron by my side. I am thankful for my family members and the new family I gained this year. I am thankful for friends who accept me for who I am and who I want to become. I am thankful for a  fridge that always seems to have food in it, a car that always seems to have gas in it and a place to live that we can call home. I am thankful Cameron and I have jobs that pay the bills. I am thankful I was able to love my little kitten Sampson even though he wasn't with us for long and I am thankful for our cat Pizza who cuddles me and loves me no matter what. Most of all, I am thankful for Christ who gave his life for my weaknesses, pains and sins. And for a God who knows me and loves me and has given me all of these things and more.

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